Healing, Wholness and Holiness

In the beginning God created a perfect world with perfect people and he saw that it was good. Humanity lived at peace with God until the day they fell into disobedience. As a result of the fall all of creation suffered – Sin entered the world bringing disease, decay, destruction and the final consequence of sin, death.
God did not stop loving his creation and the bible tell us the story of how God brought restoration to all creation through Jesus the anointed one.
Humanity along with all of creation is sick, diseased and broken and is in need of healing. What do we suffer from? All kinds of physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual maladies. We need to be healed, made whole and holy. How is this possible?
Thanks be to God for his love that sends Jesus to bring healing. Thanks be to God for his power that sends his Holy Spirit to bring transformation. And thanks be to God that by his grace we can cooperate as the holy people of God.

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